quazel features ai language tutor
The Quazel AI Language Tutor

100+ conversations & new Home

scrolling through the home screen of the language learning app Quazel
Start with the home screen
  • With your AI Language Tutor, you can now make your way through the curriculum of our 100+ conversations for every language level. You can jump to a different difficulty level whenever you like!

  • Master all the different chapters from the beginner conversations at the very top to the advanced conversations at the bottom (started at the top and now we’re here? 🤔) and you’ll have talked your way to fluency.

Language Learning through Choosing your own Conversation

Designing unique conversational topics in the language learning app Quazel which is an ai language tutor
Create your custom conversation
  • Talk about what matters to you by creating your own unique scenarios

  • Swipe your way through community-created and AI-generated scenes. You’ll definitely find your match here.

Your Quazel AI Language Tutor now with flash cards

in the ai language tutor showing vocabulary flashcards in the language learning app Quazel
Practice your vocabulary with flash cards
  • The flashcards vocabulary is now dynamically generated for every conversation. This way you’ll always be prepared for whatever the following conversation might throw at you.

  • The words now also get spoken out every time you flip a card

Easier conversations

We put a lot of work into making Quazel more beginner-friendly. While you still need to have some level of vocabulary, learners at an early A2 should be able to get started. Make sure to prepare by having a
quick look at the vocabulary before each conversation.

symbolic picture of a bug
This is Fred

The problem with Fred

This is Fred. Fred is a symbol for every bug we have. While we try our best to get rid of him as quickly as possible, he is very smart and always seems to find his way back to us. If you ever encounter him on Quazel, please let us know by using the feedback box in the chat or using the “Send feedback” button in the user account. (Translation: If something is not working as it should, please let us know 😅)

Check out the brand new Quazel: on the App Store and on the Play Store.

signatures of the language learning app Quazel founders