From German pun to known by anyone

Quazel is now Univerbal. Because after being part of Y Combinator’s WC 2023 cohort, we focused on building the best AI Language Tutor app out there.

univerbal at y combinator
From left to right: Sam, David and Philipp (with the sign) at YC

Lots of people tried and loved our AI language app (we got over 50k downloads when we launched!), except everyone struggled to spell it… or find it.

Quazel makes sense in German, as a play on quasseln (to chat), but that’s about it. And, as a language learning app, we wanted to be uni…versal, after all - so we needed a name to reflect that.

Introducing: Univerbal

A brand new name, look and feel for the AI Language Tutor in your pocket. With lots of new features, too.

univerbal ai language tutor
The brand new Univerbal app

The patient AI Tutor that helps anyone learn a language by talking freely, without judgment, through conversations personalized to interests and language skills.

🎙️ Talk about anything you’d like and practice with real-life scenarios
👩 Now with a photorealistic image of your AI conversation partner

Get instant feedback from your AI Language Tutor:

instant feedback from ai tutor univerbal
Get instant feedback and suggestions
  • after every message, your AI Tutor will correct you and give you a suggestion. Or just congratulate for doing a great job!

Work towards mastering language skills

learn a new language online with ai tutor
Check out the new skills dropdown
  • We know how difficult learning a new language can be so now, your efforts are acknowledged!

  • Work towards mastering language skills and progress to different levels as you complete them all.

Learn a language with personalized conversations

practice conversation with ai univerbal
Choose from an infinite number of generated conversations
  • Practice the foreign language with real-life scenarios, like ordering a coffee or going to the cinema.

  • Talk about the things that interest you and that are specific to your language learning journey. Now personalized even further, based on your progress so you can work towards mastering language skills in every conversation.

Or create your own conversation topic

univerbal language tutor create your own conversation
Customize your conversation topic. Get creative!
  • You can also create your own custom conversation from scratch. Choose your topic, who you’d like to talk to (get creative!) and where you’d like the conversation to take place:

Switch to AI Tutor mode whenever you need help

univerbal language tutor ai
Ask questions in your own language
  • Just like an interaction with a real-life language tutor, you can ask questions whenever you need help. Simply tap the ‘Tutor’ button and ask anything you’d like in your known language.

  • You can continue this side conversation for as long as you need to, then tap the ‘Tutor’ button again to return to practicing with your conversation partner.

Something special for Quazel OG users

badge for quazel subscribers univerbal
A badge! The level is based
on the number of conversations

For the users that have been there from the very beginning. Don’t worry, if you’re not a Quazel OG subscriber, you’ll get badges in your profile based on your performance.

👉👉 Try your new AI Language App

Try it for free

📱 Check out the Univerbal app: iOS | Android

Watch the demo of how Univerbal works

Our co-founder Philipp walks you through Univerbal

Let us know your thoughts?

We love hearing from you, how you use the app and how we can continue improving it. If you find bugs and technical issues, please let us know!

Email us on or join our Discord channel here.

Made in Switzerland with ❤️ by

team of univerbal an ai language app
The Univerbal Team
univerbal team names

Stay up to date with Univerbal 💌

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